With the B&R initiative, Chinese private enterprises have started to go overseas and gradually become the major force of “go global, bring in” and that has outnumbered state-owned enterprises by 2016. Under the historical strategic transformation and upgrading with the new normalcy,linguistic and cultural barrier, information asymmetry, unfamiliarity with international laws and commercial culture have resulted into non-acclimatization and investment failures.

APAC SYNERGY would stand at the leading front of innovation, based on the MBA and EMBA, overturn the traditional business training school's lecturing model. APAC SYNERGY would work with global leading think tanks, famous enterprises, industry experts to create a platform of resources integration and capital ecosystem.  

Mission: To provide the platform of diligent study, resources integration and value connection for Chinese entrepreneurs.

Value: the unity of knowing and doing.

We have more than 400 international experts from leading business schools to work with and bring a thousand of entrepreneurs to overseas for business study and project investigation every year.

